Big Agreement.
Why does Brazil force me to drink?
In the most famous recording in Brazilian history, Senator Romero Jucá (PMDB) and former minister Sergio Machado talk, weeks before the vote that resulted in the coup against President Dilma Rousseff, on "a great national agreement, as Supreme, with everything "to take Dilma and put Michel Temer, his deputy, in power. This would protect everyone and "staunch the bleeding." Until then, the "script" written in this recording has been going on.

Bunker Baiano.
Why does Brazil force me to drink?
Considered to be the greatest apprehension in the history of the Federal Police, the case that became known as "Bunker Baiano" found about R$ 51 million in cash in an apartment of former minister Geddel Vieira Lima (PMDB) in Salvador. Geddel was one of the top aides to President Michel Temer and was singled out by Lava-Jato tellers as one of the tip recipients. He is currently investigated for receiving R$ 20 million reais in cash from Caixa Econômica Federal loans and for releasing credit from FI-FGTS in collusion with former deputy Eduardo Cunha.

Why does Brazil force me to drink?
In 2017, the former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was tried and convicted in the first instance by Judge Sergio Moro, 9 years and 6 months in prison for crimes of passive corruption and money laundering, even without clear evidence. The main test for the trial would be the possession of a triplex in the Guarujá Beach by him, which was not totally proven. Several acts for and against the former president took to the streets of Brazil, mainly in Brasilia. In 2018, in a trial conducted by TRF4, Lula was also sentenced in second instance and had his sentence increased to 12 years and 1 month in prison.

The Coup.
Why does Brazil force me to drink?
In 2016, shortly after the re-election of President Dilma Rousseff (PT), the people took to the streets in demonstrations against the newly re-elected demanding their impeachment, even without a crime of responsibility (which would be reason for the fall of a president). Led by the Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL), which was said to be a non-partisan movement, protesters took to the streets with Brazilian shirts, pans and large inflatable ducks, motivated by FIESP that launched the "We are not going to pay the duck" campaign. All of these events resulted in a coup against Dilma Rousseff and her withdrawal from the presidency, even though no crime of responsibility has been proven. Shortly thereafter, the MBL was in favor, partnering with right-wing parties and launching their own candidates.

A target suitcase.
Why does Brazil force me to drink?